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I was thinking about what to write this week for the blog and I kept thinking about how cold it was outside and how annoyed I am because of it! These winter days come with a right hook of freezing cold temperatures but also an equally powerful left jab of dread of “I can’t do anything during this time of year!” Especially in a pandemic, where going to an inside gathering is not safe.

So, I was reading another blog about some ideas of how to limit the dreadful thoughts of winter and I came across an idea that was a little out of the box, but I wanted to give it a try. The idea to help manage your stress was soaking up sunlight. The blog wrote about even ten minutes of sunlight exposure can do wonders of good. They recommended when having a break during work or busy days, to make sure a window is open and have natural light hit you. And when the weather is permissible, go outside for ten minutes to soak up some sun. Even though you may be covered from head to toe the benefits of the sun rays will help manage your stress. So, I did it this week. Did it help? Sure. I felt better, had more energy, and the most it did for me was it allowed me to look forward to my sun breaks during the day! If you are going through a stressful time, try it, maybe it will work for you, at the very least you can see the sun hit the white snow and see a true Wisconsin beauty!

by Jack Anderson

Program Manager

Program Manager