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This week marked the start of re-opening of our area’s largest school district member, Milwaukee Public Schools and highlighted the important preparations and work that our schools have continued to put in.  But how do we prepare ourselves and the children in our care during another period of change? Here are a few suggestions for caregivers, support system members and coaches to keep in mind when helping your children and young people manage during this transition and cultivate a positive experience.


Talk with your children and young people. What do they want to know? Share worries, concerns and anxiety that they may feel in the coming weeks.


Re-establish routines (meal times, homework, bed times, etc.) to help them adjust back to their school schedule.

Reassure & Connect

Take the time to reassure children that having positive and negative feelings is okay and help them to name emotions that they are experiencing. Help them start or continue techniques to relax, connect and manage their emotions.

Seek Support

As a caregiver, if you or your children are feeling overwhelmed, remember you aren’t alone. Reach out to your school for additional resources and support. Allow yourself moments grace and forgiveness. We’re only human.

Think Ahead

Planning ahead can help build confidence as our children move forward. Practice school safety practices and review classroom precautions that may be in place. Make contingency plans for changes and accidents ( e.g. mask falls down, forgetting to wash hands, etc.).

by Paula Schevers-Lumelsky

Manager Of Research & Development

Manager Of Research & Development