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Out with the old, in with new. It’s 2021, a new year. One thing I found myself doing - unintentionally (unfortunately) - in time of the new year was cleaning out my bedroom. I sorted out unnecessary junk that can be tossed out and items still in good shape that someone else could put in better use. And so, that brings me here today to help you (and me) list a few things we can do to freshen our homes for the new year. Read on below for short and quick tips to make our house feel lighter and cleaner. 

  • Clothes, shoes, accessories, etc: Separate what can be tossed and what you don’t use. You can either donate it, sell it, or give it to a friend.
  • Files and paperwork: Shred and toss out old paperwork you don’t need. Clear up computer space by deleting unnecessary files. Check your emails and see what you can remove from there too.
  • Drawers and closets: Once again, separate what you can toss and giveaway. The things you keep, organize them! If you have an odd, funky drawer or closet smell, set an opened container of baking soda in there. 
  • Go through your refrigerator and pantry closet to see what has expired. Yuck! Also give the inside a wipe and cleaning, and reorganize the content afterwards. 
  • Lastly, clean your house and furniture. Oh boy, here’s another list of things you can clean, wash, and wipe down:
  • Counter top, dining tables, sink, garbage disposal, stove top, oven, kitchen hood vent, trash & recycling
  • Toilet, bathtub, showerhead, sink
  • Sofa, mirrors, windows, floors, walls, carpets, pet toys & beds
  • Bed sheets, pillow cases, blankets

I’m not a cleaning expert but there’s still so much more we can do to clean and freshen up for the new year. Let’s not even mention the basement or outside (but it’s there). Good luck and Happy 2021!

by Xee Lee Yang

General Assistant

General Assistant