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In today’s world of uncertainty, we all have had to adjust together. I believe during these unique times, each and every one of us has had to really change our lifestyle. The leaders that I have come around during these times have truly worked hard to foster resilience in those around them. It has taken a lot, but I look at the leaders around the nation and have seen that they have given strength to those around them by making sure they continue to stay strong and resilient.


What does it mean to foster resilience? For me it means to really help those who need it most and to give them the necessary strength in the time of their need. In today’s world, we have all needed some type of resilience and I have seen that leaders have stepped up and really provided that necessary strength to keep everyone going. Being a part of the team here at STRYV365, my team has not given up and has continued to foster resilience in such unique ways to all our partners and students.

by Hassan Rahim

Finance & Compliance Manager

Finance & Compliance Manager