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It was a normal day as I was texting my friend. Suddenly, he asked me if I heard what had happened to our other friend's dad. I had not heard anything and my stomach dropped when I saw the text learning that one of my closer friend’s father had passed away. This was one of the kindest and most positive person I had ever known, someone who had treated me and everyone with the upmost respect. He had so much happiness in him and raised such a wonderful family, especially in one of my amazing and best friend. In my culture we refer to the adults that are close to us as uncles and aunties, and my uncle had been a wonderful man who never seemed to be down. When I called my friend, I learned the hard news of him passing away in his sleep due to his battle from anxiety and depression. I was so shocked to learn of why my uncle had went through a battle of anxiety and depression. It hit me hard to see that no matter who and no matter what, these are real life issues that can and will occur to even the strongest of us. We as a community and society must understand that we all struggle with things and that we must help each other in unique methods for each person because each person is unique and responds differently. I pray everyday for my uncle and my best friend and the entire family, I pray and have the faith that we will always help one another and understand that anxiety, depression, and stress are going to occur during one’s life. We must always do our best to understand one and that is something STRYV365 has worked on to make sure that each child is seen as a unique child and their struggles are understood and not just taken as a normal thing that will pass over, but a struggle that we will work together on to get you through your life and help you reach happiness and success.

by Hassan Rahim

Finance & Compliance Manager

Finance & Compliance Manager